Is God For Us?

on Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Is God For Us?
30th May 2011
Dennie’s Room

Looking at the tragedies of this world makes me wonder how God is making sense with the things He promised as opposed to what we experience in this troubled world. God’s unpredictability is so unnerving most of the time but could also be humorous sometimes. Acknowledging my cerebral frailty, I know that God’s nature is both unformulated and uncalculated that neither angels nor Da Vinci could decode it. All I know is that we are all passer-bys on this planet and one day, just like the others and just like my Mom, we shall all have our eternal journey to a place where we truly belong.

Ask a Scientist about the future of this planet and they will give you objective answers about our finite destiny here. The Polar Shift phenomenon, climate change, calamities, galactic collisions and finally human annihilation are inevitable based on their studies and data. They may have valid data to vouch for these claims but you see these are all human calculations and they are undoubtedly flawed in some aspects. I am not saying that these things are not possible because they are. In fact even an ordinary pilot can say that the earth has tilted based on their navigation system and the sad thing is that it continually does so bit by bit. Could this tilting have also affected the behaviour of mankind that we have suddenly unlearned our “human” language and has consequently caused war, murder, conspiracies, and deceit amongst us? Well, I guess not really (unless our modern Einsteins would think otherwise). We have changed our moral values in exchange for wealth and fame, we hold on to things that we think are important to us but neglecting our spiritual identity, and most of all we have started to doubt God’s existence in this present world where everybody has ways of explaining and rationalizing the things that happen around us. The modern world has made us understand that we create our destiny and that things happen based on the law of nature. The things that happen in our lives are both consequential and part of God’s plans, it’s not because we are all victims of either Polar Shift or Climate Change but we are accountable for every single thing we do on earth. In any case, we all have to go somewhere when all things fade on this planet.

God says that we are not of this world but we will suffer the same way as other people suffer. He never promised His children a storm-free life for if it were then we would have not acknowledged our need for a Saviour. The paradox of His plans for mankind is unexplainable, perhaps even crazy but it is not our responsibility to fathom His thoughts for they are much, much higher than all of Einstein brains combined. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and it is through this wisdom that we make the right choices but since God’s will contradict our earthly desires we then make the wrong choices. Our choices ultimately gratify the “SELF” in us. Sometimes we even convince or even try to hypnotise the God of the Universe that our wants are the same as His plans for us. That is totally funny, and I am so guilty of this!! (I’m just making confessions, ok?!) But you see, even if we make the wrong choices GOD MAKES IT RIGHT FOR US (eventually) because we are His children, we may experience the consequences of our wrong decisions but He gives us the grace to go through it and the wisdom to embrace the learning points. However, I am not saying that this should give us the license to deliberately make wrong decisions, there are times when things are unclear to us but we have to make decisions right away. God knows that we can never be good enough and because our human minds are clouded with confusions and worries, we may not always hear God. God is always for us no matter how many times we err in this lifetime, He has promised us that ALL things work together for GOOD (even if we make wrong choices) to those who love Him. This means that no matter what we experience here on earth (both good and bad) He will orchestrate things to make everything right IN HIS TIME. Our response is to TRULY trust God and know that He is sovereign and that He sees the end from the beginning. Since we are not of this world, when the time comes that we will finally meet Him face to face make sure that you have all the list of questions you want to ask and it we will all have EUREKA! moments with Him.

You may have also wondered why good people suffer and God is not lifting a finger to alleviate their conditions. Well, firstly the Bible says that in this world WE WILL HAVE TROUBLES, it does not say that ONLY THE UNGODLY will have troubles but it says WE will have troubles. As long as we are here on earth where sin is so apparent, we will experience the enemy’s whippings against our God-given lives. God wants us to have a full life but the enemy is here to steal and destroy all that God has given and planted in our hearts (including our hopes, faith, joy and material blessings). God is not the giver of these problems but He allows things to happen so we would depend on His grace and abounding love. It is only through our struggles that we can recognise how BIG God is and how He can command our storms to still. We are no threat to the enemy UNTIL WE LET GOD RULE OUR LIVES. The enemy doesn’t care even if bad people are being blessed (God’s blessings are free for ALL) because he knows that these people are his and will not recognise God in their lives no matter how much they are being blessed. It is when a person acknowledges and accepts the Lordship of Jesus in their lives that causes the enemy to tremble. THE ENEMY KNOWS HOW MUCH GOD CAN USE YOU once you have the Word planted in your heart. The enemy is out there to steal everything that God will bless you with including your hopes, your dreams, your faith and most especially your joy. However, our response is to rejoice and be thankful IN EVERYTHING and remain still for He who promised is faithful and will not delay. God is NEVER late in accomplishing His promises in our lives but He has His own timelines that we need to respect. Whilst we are going through our struggles on this planet, believers must hold on to the thought that GOD IS SOVEREIGN and that HE IS IN CONTROL. Although I know that it is not easy to stay calm amidst turmoil, but just like the Polar Shift we need to ask God to shift our belief systems to His character knowing that He will fight our battles. God is not a liar, He is faithful to His promises.

Has God given you a promise that you have been holding on for years or decades now? Well, do not grow weary He will NOT DELAY. As you wait for His promises to unfold always declare His faithfulness and remind the enemy of his destiny (he’s long been defeated and his future is counted). I pray that whilst reading this looong pseudo-sermon of DENNIE, God will remind you how special you are to Him and that His faithfulness will remain even after the world fades.